Why the Freechaku Federation?
What is freechaku?
Why a federation?
The word freechaku has grown from the art of freestyle nunchaku. The nunchaku is usually considered a weapon. Two sticks connected by cord or chain that are used as a flail to strike with, or for blocks and holds. Freestyle began as a section in martial arts tournaments, choreographing a display of moves to music. When Bruce Lee popularized the nunchaku in Western society the nunchaku moved into the hands of popular culture, where the emphasis shifted from combat relevance as a weapon to swinging them around and having fun. Over time people started discovering their own new moves and new styles which they began sharing over the internet. When YouTube became available the ease of sharing accelerated the growth of the international freestyle nunchaku community, with freestyleforum.net its nexus.
Freechaku means 'free nunchaku', free to be used in any way you can imagine, not simply as a weapon (although they have fascinating dynamics when studied as a weapon). Freechaku means freeing other people's perception of nunchaku as a weapon, showing them other ways to use them. Freechaku means freeing the nunchaku from the tight leash many governments keep them under, and making them a perfectly acceptable sporting tool, like a baseball bat or tennis racket.
To quote Wikipedia:
"A federation is a union comprising a number of partially self-governing states or regions united by a central ("federal") government. In a federation, the self-governing status of the component states is typically constitutionally entrenched and may not be altered by a unilateral decision of the central government."
The Freechaku Federation is a governing body for all possible uses of nunchaku. Any individual or organisation related to nunchaku could become a part of the Freechaku Federation and help us work towards our joint goals.