Some questions were asked by Jose at FNF.
How it will work (administration, etc)?
The administration of the FF itself is a 'real world' organization. There will be a chairman and a board of directors. It will also be ran on national and regional grounds, with each nation having a director and as many regional leaders as they feel necessary (or want to get involved). The FF will also co-ordinate endeavors online, with teams drawn from all nations (or regionally) to run different websites and their associated endeavors.
What would do?
What it´s the propourse?
What are the goals?
The primary goals are to support the growth of freestyle nunchaku (and other nunchaku uses) as an activity and as an art. This breaks down into supporting existing enthusiasts, attracting new enthusiasts, advancing the field, and legitimizing the practice. Each of these goals would be pursued through a wide variety of avenues, both 'real world' and online.
What is the link with FNF (apart of "site sister")?
FNF would remain a forum for freestyle nunchaku, through which many FF ventures are run.
Any organigram?
Does this mean logo? If so, yes, at some point the FF will have a logo.
It will need money? For what?
It will probably need money at some point, potentially for advertising, or for a better FF website. The board of directors will have a nominal financial obligation to contribute towards any costs incurred should the organization be closed down (once it's officially registered as a non-profit organization).
How we can help with it?
We're still in the preliminary stages of forming the organization, so for now, just sit tight. Once we have a more comprehensive plan of how best to approach out goals, we can work out the best way for individuals to contribute. Currently I'm still compiling a list of individuals (around 50) to invite to the first caucus, where a lot of these details will be ratified. These include the admin here and from other leading nunchaku websites (FBB from Poland, Team Shaolin from France), as well as those individuals with a proven commitment to freechaku.