The GoMartGo Directors Competiton

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The GDC 08 is running RIGHT NOW!
Vote in the group stage HERE!
You must be freestyle forum member to vote (it's free to sign-up).

In October 2008, Martin Bois, (gomartgo) proposed a competition for unusual and/or creatively directed nunchaku videos.

As he went on to organise it, the tournament was named The GoMartGo Directors Competition.

Running in November 2008, the tournament voting structure was arranged by José Miguel Vicuña Herrera, (jmvicuna). All the videos begin in one large group stage. Sixteen videos entered, and members have eight votes to pick their top fifty percent of the entries.

After ten days of voting the results of the group stage will be used to determine the videos' positions in a one-on-one knock-out tournament, with members voting for their favorite of two videos in each match, progressing to a final.

The Group Stage
8 votes per member, voting open NOW! (vote here!)
## - Chuckcamo
## - GoMartGo #1
## - GoMartGo #2
## - GoMartGo #3
## - Irawynn
## - JMVicuna
## - Krista
## - Kriztov #1
## - Kriztov #2
## - Kriztov #3
## - Oz
## - RemSurja
## - RCTrue
## - Sacred Fire Dojo
## - Selfghost
## - SetsunaJulien

See all threads to do with this tournament.