FNWC 08 - Teno-D

<- Freestyle Nunchaku World Cup 2008

Last Sixteen (Match P)
1 votes per member, 64 cast
41 - RCTrue - "Just Having Fun!"
23 - Teno-D - "Teno's Toys And The Wrath Of Bradzilla!" - (most humorous)

Group H
2 votes per member, 119 cast
27 - Teno-D - "Teno's Toys And The Wrath Of Bradzilla!" - (most humorous)
26 - Daveaminal - "Funkie Fresh Fire Pimp" - (best fire, most humorous)
20 - Dodo23762 - "Circle Of Karma" - (best elder)
19 - Rellizate - "Insomnia" - (best youngster)
17 - G-Faction - "Serenity over Civilization"
10 - Mr_Joe - "For Queen And Country"