Everyone that helps run the forum is now a part of the Freechaku Federation, so the Federation runs the forum.
The Federation runs the Chuck-Offs, Challenge Zone, World Cups and Ladder events. If the people who ran the Team Shaolin and FBB tournaments join the Federation, the Federation runs them too. Every Federation member who releases move demonstrations and tutorials is considered a teacher of a school. Every unit is run completely autonomously but throws their weight together to create a whole greater than the sum of it's parts.
Ideally I'd like practitioners of Lissajous-do, WNA, NANA, NFA, Precision Strikes, Woodall's, and any other nunchaku related organization to be a part of the Federation. As the Federation is a non-profit organization, any commercial organization wishing to be a partner of the Federation would be expected to make small donation towards the upkeep of the website.
The next step is to create this website. We're going to start at the beginning and bring things up to date.
Step zero is to add a brief overview of the organizations and people involved.
Step one is to add Dave's Fun Forum competition, the first forum tournament. Start with an entry explaining the tournament. Then each video that entered needs it's own blog entry, with text explaining how it did in the comp, links to the threads taking about it (possibly quotes too), links to their profile page, youtube page, myspace, facebook, everything. Start with the champions and work down. Each video has links to prev/next vid in that comp for easy browsing and to the other categories in that tournament.
Step 2 is to repeat step 1 for each tournament, bringing it up to date - including the Team Shaolin and FBB tournaments if they join.
Step 3 is to add the ladder battles, again starting at the beginning and bringing it up to date.
Step 4 to add the challenges.
Step 5 is to add the tutorial schools.
Step 6 is to add article summaries of the most common topics on the forum.
It's a massive project, and it would take me forever to do it on my own. The only way it's going to get done is with you guys helping when you can. It doesn't have to happen exactly in this order, and we can break it down into it's many components.
What I need to do next is make a format for the tournaments pages, so we can begin adding their videos.