<- Complete Challenge List
- from Matt-Chez - Can you do these moves: wheel catch, reverse rebound, elbow catch, UTL aerial & BTB catch, partial reverse rebound, 360 horizontal wheel?
- Matt-Chez completed all 6 moves.
- Minimum required to pass the challenge is 4 out of 6 moves.
- completed by...
Sensei Daniel - 5 of 6 - (no partial reverse rebound) / Kriztov - 5 of 6 - (no partial reverse rebound) / Sebricci - all 6 moves - / Zealot - all 6 moves - / Rellizate - all 6 moves - / DamienAngelicas - all 6 moves - / Rctrue - 5 of 6 - (no aerial to wheel) / Yetibutt - all 6 moves / ElemanT24 - all 6 moves / Flexoduss - 6 / ChuckCamo 6 of 6