Challenge 003

<- Complete Challenge List

- from DamienAngelicas - how many aerials can you do without dropping?
- DamienAngelicas completed 6.
- Minimum different types of aerial required to pass the challenge is 5
- completed by...
Matt-Chez - 35 / Sensei Daniel - 6 / The Aerialist - 716 / Sebricci - 43 / Exmortem - 110 / Rellizate - 14 / Kriztov - 28 / T.I.P. - 44 / Zealot - 7 / Mr_Joe - 5 / Yetibutt - 14 / Wild Industry - 7 / Lallaren - 6 / ElemanT24 - 377 / Jmvicuna - 16 / Mrschux - 13 / Neonninja - 8 / JullianAbinsay - 6 / Flexoduss - 710 / Heru418 - 23 / quertycoder 18 / Chuckcamo 12 / Flexoduss -755